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Glow in Dark Powder / Photoluminescent Pigment

RM 4.90
Glow in Dark Powder / Photoluminescent Pigment Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Glow in dark powder is a luminescent pigment that absorbs light and emits a glowing effect in dark environments. It is widely used in coatings, paints, plastics, textiles and various decorative applications to create long-lasting glow effects, which charges under sunlight or artificial light and provides hours of illumination in darkness. It is non-toxic, weather-resistant, and suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.

1. Product Name: Glow in Dark Powder

2. Chemical Name: Glow in Dark Powder

3. Appearance: Fine powder

4. Solubility: Insoluble in Water

5. Odour: Odorless

6. Remark: Higher brightness

Brightness Level:

Yellow Green > Blue Green > Sky Blue > Pink Red > Yellow Orange > Orange Red > Purple Red


1. Paints and Coatings

2. Plastics and Resins

3. Textiles and Fabrics

4. Cosmetics and Nail Art

5. Safety and Signage


1. 10g

2. 100g

3. 500g

4. 1kg

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