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Sodium Tripolyphosphate STPP FG

RM 3.90
Sodium Tripolyphosphate STPP FG Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) Food Grade refers to a specific grade of STPP that is approved and safe for use in the food industry.STPP is a chemical compound with the formula Na5P3O10, and its "Food Grade" designation indicates that it meets the strict quality and safety standards required for its application in food products

1. Product Name: Sodium Tripolyphosphate STPP FG

2. Chemical Name: Sodium Tripolyphosphate STPP FG

3. Appearance: Solid Powder

4. Colour: White

5. Odor: Odorless

6. Solubility: Partially Soluble in Water


1. Preservative

2. Food Addictive

3. Cosmetic

4. Cleaning


1. 100g

2. 500g

3. 1kg

4. 5kg

5. 25kg or more

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