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Calcium Carbonate / Limestone

RM 1.80
Calcium Carbonate / Limestone Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a chemical compound that occurs naturally in the form of limestone, marble, chalk, and calcite. It is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth, and is used in a wide range of applications, including as a dietary supplement, as a building material, in the manufacturing of cement and lime, and in the production of various chemicals.

1. Product Name: Calcium Carbonate / Limestone 

2. Chemical Name: Calcium Carbonate

3. Appearance: Solid powder

4. Color: White


1. Building material

2. Filler

3. Pharmaceutical

4. Stabilizer


1. 100g

2. 500g

3. 1 kg

4. 5 kg

5. 25 kg

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